The Champions Online RP community is bigger, but also not as high-quality as the small one in DC Universe Online. You might be wondering why I prefer DCUO over Champions Online when it comes to roleplay.
Instead, download the game on your PC and have a go there. That being said, do not expect to find many RPers on console. Yet, the game does feature a pretty dedicated roleplaying community. The game itself is nothing too special and as far as MMOs go, DCUO is somewhat average. One of those is DC Universe Online, the hero-villain semi-action title that takes place in Batman’s world. In case you are not a big fan of the fantasy setting most MMOs provide, you still have plenty of options. What’s more, if you are willing to grind a bit, the premium currencies can actually be obtained through gameplay.

However, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the RP atmosphere and the friendly community without paying a single cent. Of course, being a free-to-play title, the game might ask of you to pay for some of the cosmetic goodies. The game comes with plenty of mechanics that allow for more immersive experience, from musical instruments that you can play your own songs on, through a detailed outfit system, all the way to the huge catalogue of expertly-animated emotes. In fact, it is probably the main reason this MMO is still afloat. Currently, the game is not as popular with PvE and PvP players, but the RP community is as healthy as ever. LOTRO is a title that managed to retain its popularity among roleplayers for much longer than anyone anticipated.
Here’s a list of 5 of the best free MMOs for roleplaying, complete with healthy communities and plenty of adventure. However, if you are looking for a new title to try roleplaying in, or you are just curious to try it for the first time, I am here to help. At the end of the day, roleplayers nowadays can be a bit hard to find. Pillars of the RP community, on the other hand, start families, take on more responsibilities at work, and have even less time to play than before. Newcomers to digital RPG games usually do not remember the glory days of tabletop roleplay, so they do not even know what they’re missing.

However, it appears that in recent years the RP communities in nearly all titles have been on a decline. The setting didn’t matter as much as the imagination. And so they did, across various digital titles, both free and paid, and in various ways and forms. With MMORPG games being based on tabletop franchises roleplaying games, it was only natural for players to start using this new media to enhance their RP experience. That activity was roleplaying in a digital MMO. An activity, which I did not expect to enjoy, but one that led me to discover a brand new world. A long time ago, I dabbled in something completely new for me while I was still playing World of Warcraft.